Thursday, April 23, 2009

PFGBest offers a complete Forex trading solution

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You should be with PFGBest.
PFGBest is well positioned to help clients excel at trading the expanding global markets for futures and foreign exchange. It has combined the speed of its proprietary BEST Direct electronic trading platform. PFGBest Forex clients have the benefits of a number of trading system solutions, and PFGBest has integrated its technology with up-to-the-minute breaking world and financial news to lend even more value through the complete trading platform. All of this is augmented by two, 24-hour dealing desks in Chicago and New York City, staffed by professional dealers ready to assist traders at any time, along with an extremely knowledgeable and helpful back office team.
Professional account services for easy account openings, whether for an individual, a money manager, a partnership, or corporate applications
Expertise in handling statements, policies and government forms online
Easy access to supplementary information for any trading needs, such as government-required forms, information on different types of orders, or how roll-over procedures work
Trading simulation and contests to speed the learning curve in FX, futures and stock index trading using the BEST Direct online trading platform
Expert customer care in online, full-service brokerage, managed accounts and institutional trading
These are just part of the PFGBest value proposition. For a higher level of support – to leverage the power of the world’s fastest growing markets – You Should Be With PFGBest.